Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One last thought to mention tonight...

Just so you all can see where I am coming from...I haven't chosen a candidate yet. I need to get close, and squeeze them. See who really has the balls to lead this country into the next decade. I haven't been able to do that yet and it's really important that I do. 

You don't know someone until you put pressure on them, and I can't think of any better pressure than a good squeeze. 

Obama is interesting in that he is new, and outsider, not the norm. He IS untested, but is that a bad thing? Could he end up on his knees servicing our foreign friends and foes in an effort to keep the peace? Or would he go the other way to show he is, without a doubt, in charge?
 McCain has been on the front lines of war and knows the cost of sending young innocents to battle, but has what he has seen damaged him? And let's be honest, does knowing how to serve and take orders, give you what you need to lead? 

We will see, my lovelies. Uncle Netwrk is here to keep the bogieman at bay and to give you nothing but the truth as he sees it.

keep reading, keep reacting.

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